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Arsip Blog
- Tersesal / J-Rocks
- Spirit / J-Rocks
- Serba Salah / J-Rocks
- Selamat jalan Kekasihku / J-Rocks
- Saatnya Kau Bicara / J-Rocks
- PDKT / J-Rocks
- Mestinya kau Tahu / J-Rocks
- Lepaskan Diriku / J-Rocks
- Kau Curi Lagi / J-Rocks
- Juwita Hatiku / J-Rocks
- Fallin in Love / J-Rocks
- Cobalah kau Mengerti / J-Rocks
- Ceria / J-Rocks
- CahayaMu / J-Rocks
- Berharap Kau Kembali / J-Rocks
- Cinta Nggak Punya Mata / Kobe
- Tinggalkan Saja / Kotak
- Tarbang / Kotak
- Saat Kau Jauh / Kotak
- Phobia / Kotak
- Masih Cinta / Kotak
- Membuat Website Gratis
- 3rd Measurement in C / Saosin
- It's So Simple / Saosin
- It's Far Better To Learn / Saosin
- I Wanna Hear Another Fast Song / Saosin
- I Never Wanted To / Saosin
- OK
- Lelaki Cadangan
- Bronies
- I Can Tell / Saosin
- Bukan Superman
- Rough Justice The Rolling Stones
- Classical guitarist — Andres Segovia
- Dani California Red Hot Chilli Papers
- Chord Gitar
- Gita Gutawa
- Cinta Terlarang
- Tak Perlu Keliling Dunia
- Surga di Telapak Kakimu
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Archive for Juni 2009
Tersesal / J-Rocks
Am Dm E Am G |
Spirit / J-Rocks
D C Takkan pernah lelah ku berlari lewati semua rintangan yang Em Gm A G menghalangi langkahku dan membatasi mimpi-mimpiku F#m G Em Ku takkan menyerah meski lelah jiwa tuk hadapi A Sampai mati ku takkan berhenti D C Setiap detik yang tlah berlalu takkan pernah menunggu kita Em Gm A tuk bisa pahami hidup dan sesali semua yang tlah lalu F#m B m Em F#m G A Hadapi saja jangan kau ragu tuk jalani hidup ini |
| D Just spread all of your wings A F#m And always chase your dreams Bm A E Leave all the pain and make our life begin G A F#m Bm And when it seems to be hard to live in our ways Em But we must go on and always struggling G A To make all of our dreams come true |
Serba Salah / J-Rocks
C A Dm G |
Selamat jalan Kekasihku / J-Rocks
Intro: Em D Em D
G D G Bm A
Wahai bidadariku janganlah kau menangis untukku
Bm D Bm Em A
Teruslah jalani hidupmu yang masih terus lalu
G D G Bm A
Semua kenangan kita atau hadiahmu yang terindah
G D Bm Em A D
Akan selalu kuingat dan kubawa serta kehidupan abadiku
Int: G A (2x)
Em A
Reff: Selamat tinggal kekasihku
D Bm Em A
Lupakanlah diriku, walau itu menyiksaku
D Bm Em A
Ku tak bisa bersamamu, walau itu menyiksaku
B m A
Tapi tak mengapa
Int: Bm A G A (2x) Em A D Bm Em A D
Kembali ke: Reff
Saatnya Kau Bicara / J-Rocks
C Am |
PDKT / J-Rocks
Em A |
Mestinya kau Tahu / J-Rocks
B G#m C#m F# D#m waktu kau datang kepadaku tuk meminta maaf karna G#m C#m G F# B G#m C#m kesalahan yang tlah kau buat, kau tlah sakiti hatiku F# D#m G#m C#m G - F# kau khianati cintaku tapi ku telah memaafkanmu B G#m C#m F# D#m kan ku beri kau kesempatan untuk kesekian kalinya G#m C#m G - F# - B janganlah engkau sia-siakan reff1: B D#m mestinya kau tahu jurus hatiku A G# C#m tak pernah ku berselingkuh seperti dirimu E F# D#m G#m kau pasti kan menyesal tak bersamaku C#m F# B harusnya kamu mau |
| B G#m C#m F# D#m waktu kau datang kepadaku tuk meminta maaf karna G#m C#m G F# B G#m C#m kesalahan yang tlah kau buat, kau tlah sakiti hatiku F# D#m G#m C#m G - F# kau khianati cintaku tapi ku telah memaafkanmu Reff: C Em mestinya kau tahu jurus hatiku A# A Dm tak pernah ku berselingkuh seperti dirimu F G Em Am kau pasti kan menyesal tak bersamaku Dm G C harusnya kamu mau |
Lepaskan Diriku / J-Rocks
C Em F G# G |
| C Em F G# G jika kau rasa kau lah segalanya semua menjadi percuma C Em F G# G ingin rasanya ku menjauh darimu buang semua cerita Em A Dm G Em tapi janganlah kau sesali apa yg telah terjadi A Dm A# G terlalu lama ku terjebak dengan dirimu |
Kau Curi Lagi / J-Rocks
Intro: G5 E5 C5 B5 C5 E5 C5 B5 E5 A5 D5 C5 B5 C5 E5 C5 B5 E5 A5 D5 C5 B5 A5 G5 |
C5 B5 E5 A5 D5 C5 B5 C5 E5 C5 B5 E5 A5 D5 Kembali ke: Reff Int : Bb5 A5 G5 A5 Bb5 C5 Bb5 |
Juwita Hatiku / J-Rocks
CM7 Dm - G And I just want to make you realize CM7 Dm - G that's something beautiful always in your heart Em A Dm G Ku ingin kau mengerti tentang hatiku ini Em A Dm G CM7 Yang selalu memujamu dan juga selalu menginginkanmu Reff: F Fm Kau juwita hatiku yang selalu ku rindu Em A dengarkanlah, nyanyian cinta untukmu Dm G Em A kuinginkan dirimu jatuh cinta padaku Dm G CM7 karna kau adalah pujaanku |
| CM7 Dm - G Pertama ku melihat dirimu CM7 Dm G Em A ada sesuatu yang membuatku jadi tak karuan Dm G lalu mabuk kepayang Em A Dm G CM7 hasratku melonjak karna melihat ke sexyanmu |
Fallin in Love / J-Rocks
D A/C# Bm F#m
Cobalah kau Mengerti / J-Rocks
C Am Em A7
C Am Em A7
F Em Dm G C C7 F Em A7 Dm G C |
| modulasi ke Do = D Em A D D7 G F#m B7 G A F#m B7
Ceria / J-Rocks
D Em A D hari ini kudendangkan lagu yg ingin kunyanyikan B Em A D terkenang semua kenangan yang tlah kualami Em A D Ingin kubuka lembar baru untuk meneruskan hidupku B Em A D tak mau lagi kesedihan selimuti diriku G A F#m B Em A D semua orang ingin bahagia menjalani hidup di dunia ini G A F#m B Em A ingin kubukakan jawaban misteri dan senang yang sejati D Em A D hari ini kudendangkan lagu yg ingin kunyanyikan B Em A D terkenang semua kenangan yang tlah kualami |
| Em A F#m B Em A D berlari dan terus bernyanyi mengikuti irama sang mentari Em A F#m B Em A D tertawa dan selalu ceria berikan ku arti hidup ini F#m B G#m C# F#m B E berlari dan terus bernyanyi mengikuti irama sang mentari F#m B G#m C# F#m B E tertawa dan selalu ceria berikan ku arti hidup ini |
CahayaMu / J-Rocks
Am E Am E Am E Am E |
Berharap Kau Kembali / J-Rocks
C Am |
Cinta Nggak Punya Mata / Kobe
B D |
Tinggalkan Saja / Kotak
F#m G A |
G A Bm G A |
Tarbang / Kotak
Dm F Gm |
Saat Kau Jauh / Kotak
G C G C G D C |
Phobia / Kotak
D A# |
Masih Cinta / Kotak
E C#m F#m B G#m C#m F#m B E C#m F#m B G#m C#m F#m B E C#m F#m B G#m C#m F#m B |
| Reff: A G#m C#m F#m B E A B G#m C#m F#m Am B E
A G#m C#m F#m B E A B G#m C#m F#m Am B E
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Selamat belajar, semoga ketekunan anda dalam belajar membuat website akan memberikan manfaat yang terbaik untuk anda dikemudian hari. Buatlah website yang bermanfaat untuk sesama, hindari materi website yang berbau pornografi, kekerasan, perjudian, dan hal-hal lain yang dilarang oleh agama dan pemerintah.
JAKARTA - Antusiasme pencinta bola Indonesia atas rencana kedatangan tim raksasa sepak bola Inggris Manchester United makin terlihat. Walaupun pertandingan eksebisi MU melawan Tim Indonesia All Star masih dua bulan lagi namun 65 persen tiket sudah terjual.
“Kami mencetak 65 ribu tiket. Sebanyak 65 persen tiket sudah dipesan,” kata penyelenggara tur, Herman Ago, didampingi Ketua Umum PSSI, Nurdin Halid di Jakarta, Jumat (15/5).
Tiket yang terjual tersebut diprioritaskan untuk empat perusahaan mitra yang mendatangkan MU ke Indonesia. Sementara sisanya 35% akan di jual ke perorangan dengan cara memesan ke penyelenggara.
“Kami akan menjual pada 1 Juni mendatang,” lanjut Ago.
Kedatangan MU ke Indonesia kali ini merupakan kali kedua setelah 34 tahun silam. MU yang baru saja menjuarai Piala Dunia Antaraklub 2008 akan menjalani tour ke Asia di empat tempat. Tanggal 20 Juli di Jakarta merupakan tepat persinggahan kedua setelah tanggal 18 Juli mereka berlaga di Kuala Lumpur, kemudian akan melanjutkan ke Seoul pada 24 Juli dan terakhir ke Cina pada 26 Juli.
Sementara itu, PSSI menggelar poling untuk menentukan manajer, pelatih dan pemain yang masuk tim Indonesia All Star untuk melawan tim MU yang ditangani Sir Alex Fergusson ini.
Materi para pemain Indonesia All Star, menurut Nurdin Halid, sepenuhnya hasil pilihan masyarakat. Paket poling SMS ke nomor 9788 untuk menentukan para pemain tim bintang tim Indonesia All Star. Pemenang akan berhak atas hadiah grand prize dua buah mobil, 22 tiket VVIP, 200 tiket VIP, serta menginap di hotel dan uang saku.
3rd Measurement in C / Saosin
Free and safely
Souvenirs, out of style
Right in front and right on
do it so, I'll be mad, you'll be gone
And I'm sad that you'll be gold upon
gold in my veins
tango with daddy and separate only
smile my only rights of passage
Only you, mark my words
upon the stage you strike off
to get engaged in California
And I'm sad that you'll be gold upon
gold in my veins
tango with daddy and separate only
smile my only rights of passage
Don't say that I'm the one you want to lose
Don't say that I'm the one you want to lose
I want to know
Don't say that I'm the one you want to lose
Don't say that I'm the one you want to lose
Don't say that I'm the one you want to lose
Don't say that I'm the one you want to lose
It's So Simple / Saosin
The hardest part was falling down again
I'm a fool to watch you walk away
Are you bothered by the choice you made
When we fall to the ground
Swallowing we're safe and sound
It's so simple to be afraid
It's so simple when your not who you are
It's so simple to be afraid
It's so simple when your not who you are
I've cought you lying to yourself
Now everything is speeding around and round
Well Im a fool to watch but never say
Are you bothered by the choice you made
When we fall to the ground
Swallowing we're safe and sound
It's so simple to be afraid
It's so simple when your not who you are
It's so simple to be afraid
It's so simple when your not who you are
Well maybe we will grow
When will you know
Would you keep feeling alone
I think we're falling deeper than you imagined
It's so simple to be afraid (It's so simple)
It's so simple when your not who you are
It's so simple to be afraid (It's so simple)
It's so simple when your not who you are
It's Far Better To Learn / Saosin
And Over
High above, they're taking over you
And you should know
I will not let you go
(Let you go)
What is my body worth?
Was there a price-tag before?
There's something greater then
What is my body worth?
Was there a price-tag before?
It's not gonna change you
We walk around
But never turn to see what we have done
(What we have done)
We choose our moves so carefully for you
(Carefully for you)
I will not let you go
(Let you go)
What is my body worth?
Was there a price-tag before?
There's something greater then
What is my body worth?
Was there a price-tag before?
It's not gonna change you
What is my body worth?
Was there a price-tag before?
It's not gonna change you
I believe in nothing
I believe in nothing at all
I believe in nothing
I believe in nothing at all
What is my body worth?
Was there a price-tag before?
There's something greater then
What is my body worth?
Was there a price-tag before?
It's not gonna change you
What is my body worth?
What is my body worth?
I Wanna Hear Another Fast Song / Saosin
Feel better supposed to
say it was something new, one by one
(all we are is no one)
This won't mean a thing.
I overheard you once, this has gone on before.
kinda like the way you move with me
We are accounted for.
We seem so far away from,
These things we used to know.
We seem so far away from, everything new.
We are in tune with old, now feel-feel it.
They all will say they broke it up
say it was something new
no one needs to know
We seem so far away from,
This won't mean a thing
I overheard you once, this has gone on before.
kinda like the way you move with me
We are accounted for.
We seem so far away from,
These things we used to know.
We seem so far away from, everything new
All we are is no one (no one)
This won't mean a thing.
We seem so far away from, these things we used to know.
We seem so far away from, everything new
I Never Wanted To / Saosin
I'll clean your wounds tonight, so we can rewind it all 'till I come inside
I'll tear in two and never lie to you (cause you wouldn't take me home)
Your eyes are yet to be clear now (cause you want to take me home)
You were right and I wasn't listening (I never told you what you were missing)
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
We are the only ones we are running from
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
We are the only ones we are running from
Well this was the only way we, knew how to make everything just okay (i'll make it up tonight), the sun was two steps too close with his waking eye
We'll make believe that everythings alright (cause you wouldn't take me home)
Your eyes are yet to be clear now (cause you wouldn't take me home)
You were right and wasn't listening (I never told you what you were missing)
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
We are the only ones we are running from
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
We are the only ones we are running from
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
We are the only ones we are running from
I never wanted to hear, we are the only ones we are running from
I want to break it off, we should stop cause theres nothing going on (on)
I never wanted to hear all the things that you told me
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
We are the only ones we are running from
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
We are the only ones we are running from
I never wanted to hear (I never wanted to)
Kalau ingin menggunakan Power Chord, Circle Chord-nya adalah: D5 A5 B5 G5 Intro: D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A |
Bm G Interlude: D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G Kembali ke: (*) D A Bm G D A Bm G A Bm D G A D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D A Bm G D Dadd9 |
Lelaki Cadangan
Dm Gm Kutuliskan sebuah cerita cinta segitiga C F Dimana akulah yang jadi peran utama A# Gm Aku tak dapat membohongi segala rasa A Dm Aku mencintai dia dan dirinya Dm Gm Nanti pukul satu dia menemui aku C F Maka jangan kamu pasang wajah yang cemburu A# Gm Nanti bila dia datang menemui aku A Dm Maka cepat-cepat kamu ngumpet dulu |
A Dm |
E F#m Aku mencintaimu lebih dari nyawa ku B E Jangan pernah tinggalkan aku dan kamu aku sayangi F#m B E Aku mohon jangan pergi nanti ku bisa gantung diri C#m G#m Karna kamu lelaki terhebat A B Siapa yang dekat wanita pasti kan terjerat C#m G#m Karna kamu sang pangeran hati A B Braninya mencuri sampai aku lupa diri |
| Reff: E F#m cintai aku brownies bagi ku kamu brondong manis B E sang pernjahat cinta yang membuat aku jadi gila E F#m cintai aku brownies bagi ku kamu brondong manis B E sang siluman hati buat aku cinta mati F#m B E Sang siluman hati buat aku cinta mati I love you... muuaach! |
I Can Tell / Saosin
And I'm falling apart, where is my home?
A riot grows and his eyes open up.
I once believed I would set you in line.
If only I had the strength then maybe you could believe in something else.
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air.
It won't hurt half as much and I'll beg for you to stop it now.
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air.
It won't hurt half as much and I'll beg for you to just tell me something.
Through and through the alpha waves and power cables everywhere.
Exercising self-control.
The child calls and she lies open.
I once believed if only I was thinking at all.
If only I had the strength then maybe you could believe in something else.
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air.
It won't hurt half as much and I'll beg for you to stop it now.
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air.
It won't hurt half as much and I'll beg for you to just tell me something.
If only I had the strength then maybe you could believe in something else.
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air.
It won't hurt half as much and I'll beg for you to stop it now.
If you keep asking me I'll melt away in the summer air.
It won't hurt half as much and I'll beg for you to just tell me something.
You stole out like my life.
So I'm engaged to smile.
Bukan Superman
C#m F#m B E C#m F#m B |
Rough Justice The Rolling Stones
Intro: D D D D D Chorus: G D G D G D G D D D D D G D G
D G D G D |
G D G D G D G D Interlude: D G D G D G D G D D D D D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D G D
Classical guitarist — Andres Segovia
It is said that there only two major individuals in the twentieth century guitar realm, they are: Pablo Casals and Andres Segovia. Segovia was born on 1894, in Jaen, Spain. He studied guitar autodidact and has created a lot of modification for new techniques on playing guitar. He was an inspiration for other classic guitarist. The first recital, in Granada, he performed at fourteen. Latter he plodded through Spain, Central and South of America. In the 1924 on the concert at Paris, he received great response; afterwards the art’s world stared at him. Actually, he is the first one who performed the guitar in a huge concert. Previously, much people echoed hesitancy that the guitar will familiar with the public at these days. Almost in the rest of his life, he dedicated for the guitar. The appearance of Segovia had made the interest on playing guitar reached the high level and many of people have followed his step. One of them was John Williams from Australia, who become a Master of Classic Guitar in present days. | ||||
Segovia has pushed many composers to write a guitar composition. And then a lot of them write down the notices on their composition that is dedicated to Segovia. On his last concert, that is held in a few weeks before he was passed away at 94 years old. Blessing on his works that go through with the guitar become one of the most famous instrument until these days. He said, | ||||
“The song of the piano is a discourse, the song of the ‘cello is an elegy, the song of the guitar… is a song”. | ||||
The Biography takes from several sources. |
Dani California Red Hot Chilli Papers
Intro: C Bb F C Bb Gm F C Bb F And mama was a hippie C Bb F When you pick the panorama C Bb F C Bb F C Bb F C Bb F Sayin’ baby whatcha gonna C Bb F
C Bb Fm Ab Ebm Fm Bb Ab Ebm Fm |
Bb Ab Ebm Fm Bb Ab Ebm Fm Int: C Bb F C Bb F When it got a little brighter C Bb F When I was gonna mourn ya Eb Bb F C Bb Fm Back to: Reff Dm Bb Am Em Dm Bb Am Em Dm Bb Am Em Dm C Bb F C Bb F Was a gunnin’ for the quota C Bb F C Bb Fm Gm Back to: Reff (2x) |
Chord Gitar
Major | ||||||||||||
Minor | ||||||||||||
Dom. | ||||||||||||
Major 7th | ||||||||||||
Minor 7th | ||||||||||||
Minor | ||||||||||||
Sus | ||||||||||||
fr Fret Number | x Do not Strike |