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- Langkah Membuat Komik yang Baik
Posted by : Mouxine Arga Merpati
Rabu, 10 Juni 2009
- Brainstorm. You can't have a comic, if you don't know what it is going to be about. Most comics focus on one character or groups of characters usually with a special ability of some kind. This is a great starting point, by developing your main characters, what they can do, what conflicts they face because of who they are, and how they react to other people. Also, setting, time period, and back history can all be helpful tools in brainstorming and establishing a good base to your comic.
- Create a starting point for your story. Maybe some conflicts, resolutions, and character interaction that the main character can face. Most comic books are not that long and usually end in a cliffhanger so as to entice the reader to come back and purchase the next episode. Having a couple stories and events that the main character can experience can be good planning for future issues.
- Create the art style. Is the comic going to look realistic, or stylized, or anime style? Drawing the main character in various art styles and poses is a great way to realize the look and feel of your comic.
- Don't forget to come up with a title for your comic book. It might be good to research the various names that you have chosen to make sure that it is not taken by any other comics out there. This way there is no confusion as to who's comic a reader is reading, as well as to establish your own super awesome title for your comic book.
- Continue with the creation of your comic book by starting to design the layout of the comic book. Start creating boxes where you will place the character in the various scenes of action.
- Make a title for your comic book. Make it something flashy like Flash Comix or Mega Mag. Make that into a flashy logo.
- Design the cover your book. Let your readers know what characters are going to be in the book, by drawing them on the cover. Draw the characters in action such as the superhero and the villain fighting each other. Don't forget to draw the cover relevant to the current story that you are writing. Something that will entice the reader into wondering how the character gets involved in that situation.
- Make the comic. Make sure you know exactly what you want to draw and what you want your characters to say.
- Draw scenes in each of these boxes. Colored pencils work best for coloring a scene in. After that add your characters. Try to make the characters look as realistic as you are able to.
- Add your text. Think beforehand on what you want your characters to say. If your comic is meant to be humorous, think for a while on what you would think is funny and what your readers might think is funny. When you're done, go over the comic with a charcoal pencil to make it darker.